Thursday, May 12, 2016

Change Is Good

Change is good! Before I became healthy my big activity was watching shows and drinking my diet soda. I loved to sleep in and nap. I was pretty dang negative. I did love my family though and that is one thing that has never changed. After I had my brush with death they were what helped me live. Even though I did live in a dark place for quite a while after my diagnosis they are what kept me going. Until one day I woke and wanted more. I realized I wasn't given a death sentence but I was given another chance to live. So I have! I lost 110 lbs. I have kept it off nearly 4 years. I wake before the sun. My activities are running, cardio, weights. Anything active. That diet soda is history. Anything I consume is healthy and clean. I am a positive, happy person, filled with love, faith and hope. Am I perfect. No. But I am happy. Change is good. It is possible for everyone.

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