I will admit this is not the typical before and after pic of someone who has lost
over 100 lbs. Losing weight though is so much more than the number on
the scale or the size in your pants. It is who you are. Who you become.
The confidence you get in finding yourself. Also what that does for your
children. The girl on the left would NEVER have acted silly for fear of
being seen. I didn't want to be seen let alone have anyone look at me. I
was taught unless I was perfect I wasn't worthy of love or praise. The
girl on the right knows different. I know that the only person I need to
please is me. It is OK to be perfectly imperfect. It is OK to be silly.
It is ok to start to have confidence. My daughter and I drove cross
country this summer and some of the best memories are stopping at random
souvenir shops. Spending a half an hour being silly, trying on a
sombrero and taking selfies. Who care who was looking! We are just a Mom
and a daughter making memories. Also, I was teaching her lessons the Mom
on the left would not.
She is silly, beautiful, worthy, perfectly imperfect and loved She has the confidence it took me 36 years to find. That is the greatest gift I can give her.
#endthetrend #raisedwithlove #fullcircle
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