Thursday, May 21, 2015

Be Kind

This quote  should be used as a guide to live our lives by. Are we perfect? Will we always remember? No. Should we try our best. Yes. I have been through some pretty heavy stuff in my life, as many have. People have been through more, people have been through less. Some things are like icebergs though and you are only seeing the very top and have no idea what is under the water.
You know what though? There is no scale in life to rate our pain. To say who earns more "stripes". What is significant in one persons life to them may not seem so great in another. That doesn't mean anybody should make someone feel like less or that their problems are insignificant. So many live as if they are on a ladder. They act is if they are either above you feeling like you should look up to them. Like your problems are not big enough and you are not worthy to be worried about. Or perhaps the opposite you are above them. Like you are unreachable. It's odd because the climbing on this ladder moves often since that is the natural progression of life. How much better would life be if the ladder was gone and we just all were on the same level? Living life eye to eye and heart to heart? Honestly, we all are. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave it the same way. What should we try to do? How do we start? Start with kindness. Try to understand. If you make a mistake ask for forgiveness and be kind to yourself in forgiveness in turn. We aren't perfect but with time it gets easier!! If you keep this in mind though life and those silly mistakes and that dang ladder will go away...

Be Kind - You never know what people are truly going through.
That is the way to live.

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