Monday, June 29, 2015

Welcome To Anxiety

Welcome to anxiety. It doesn't have a rhyme or reason sometimes. It doesn't give you a warning. It can happen when you are with people you trust completely. She is a bitch. She sneaks into your life and it hurts. I have not been able to let go of this for over an hour. PTSD can go away but sadly never be cured.

My Gran Mal Seizure was 7 years ago. It actually took my 4 years to drive on the freeway after my seizure. My seizure didn't happen on the freeway but moments after getting out of the car with my children. For years I was frozen by the image of what if. Today some external triggers hit me even though I wasn't driving. Like I said, she is sneaky and doesn't make sense.

I share the good so here is the bad too. Life isn't always perfect or pretty. It helps to share though.

All is ok now. Just sharing so you know if you ever feel this way you are not alone.

* This is a post from my personal and facebook page Girls Gone Healthy from a few weeks ago. It actually helped so many people I wanted to put it in this blog.

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