Monday, July 6, 2015


This is the #1 thing that has brought peace to my life. Just because a person was brought to your life or you were biologically tied into theirs.. doesn't mean they can or have to stay. Toxic relationships are two sided until you choose not to engage any longer. You can though walk away. You are in charge of your peace. Shut the door. Delete the numbers. Ignore attempts of contacts. Try to forgive them though. It doesn't matter if they deserve it or have even asked for it. The forgiveness is for your heart. For your peace of mind. I have had to forgive a lot. I will not forget though. It is not in the front of my mind any longer though but tucked away until I see a picture like the one above. Which is a great reminder in how doing those simple things has made me a better, happier person.

Find new friends. Create your own family. Love them with all your heart. Then you will have peace.

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