Welcome to GIRLS GONE HEALTHY! I'm just a mom who almost lost my life 11 years ago. I was afraid to live for fear of dying. Then one day I woke up! I decided to make the rest of my life the BEST of my life. I lost over 100 lbs in one year with clean eating and positivity. I started a page to pay it forward to ONE person and have been blessed by helping countless thousands. I love to live, learn and share it with all of you.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
9 1/2 years ago today I almost died. Yes, it sounds dramatic but it is
true. I don't remember 2 hours of my life. I was a normal 34 year old
mom and woke up with a brain condition and my life has never been the
same. In the beginning that was horrible. Today it is a victory. I am
almost at 10 years with one Gran Mal. Although I have had my ups and
downs and live on meds I am an overcomer. This is what I pray for a
controlled brain. I beat the massive anxiety attached to this.
I pulled myself out of the tailspin. It took a few years but I did it.
My life is a gift not a death sentence. I have my scars but I share
them to show others they too can survive whatever is before them. I lost
that 125. I have kept it off. I have control of my anxiety. I show
others with faith, hope and positivity anything is possible. None of
this was in me before my seizure. It took almost taking the life out of
me to find the piece of me to serve. Although this is not something I
would want I am so glad that God used me to help so many through Girls Gone Healthy.
If you feel you are at rock bottom just wait something may be revealed
to you with time. I never would have believed the life that would have
came to me out of almost having the life taken from me. This is not a
path I would have picked but being able to help so many is something my
heart is happy to do.
Monday, December 11, 2017
A Spark
you don't get it fully until years later the impact someone has on your
life. If Amy hadn't had popped up in my life and taught me these
lessons I may never have found the new me. I may never have become
healthy. I may never have paid it forward by becoming Girls Gone Healthy
and helping others. All it it takes is one spark to change the path of
your life. I truly believe she was my spark. Without this spark my life
could have been so different.
8 years ago today my friend died of cancer. There is a lesson in this loss so I will share. She touched my life and if I can pay forward what she taught me to a few more it would be a beautiful honor to her today. I was with her almost every day of her life for the last 6 weeks. Not because I knew her forever or she was my neighbor. She worked at my daughter's school and there was a call and need for help with her. I had known of her for years, my daughter loved her and her family needed help. I was a stay at home mom with kids at school and had time to offer. Those 6 weeks of close friendship I can't describe to you really. In a situation like this one day is like a year. We talked, held hands, laughed.. cried, prayed. She taught me to see the beauty in the simplest things. I was still stuck after my seizure and had not found my way out. She helped me to start seeing the light. One morning she had a request she wanted to feel the sun. So even though it was cooler out we bundled her and brought her in front of a window. She said please just bring me outside. Which we did even though technically we weren't suppose to. You could see every care she had wash away when she could feel the sun, smell the air and be outside for those few minutes. Something we do all the time and don't think twice about. She showed me selfless love. Her #1 concern at all times were her children. How they were doing. When were they coming? Were their days as normal as possible. She taught me undying faith. When at the time in my faith I myself would have been angry to leave my children so young. To have to deal with all of this pain. She NEVER was. She always remained faithful and strong in her love for God. I was at a point myself where I turned my back on my faith because after my diagnosis I felt abandoned. I just had too many emotions to see. She helped show me that even in the greatest trial I am not alone. She praised His name with every breath she had. There are so many things she taught me these are just a few but one that reminds me of her almost daily is this. When things get tough you keep on going. You never give up. On her board in her hospital room were these 3 simple words from her favorite movie...
Just Keep Swimming
Appreciate every moment, hug and love your family, enjoy every laugh and conversation, experience life's moments don't just blindly live, have faith even in the darkest of times and NEVER lose hope or give up. Never be afraid to lend a helping hand. My life would never have been the same if I would have ignored this request.
8 years ago today my friend died of cancer. There is a lesson in this loss so I will share. She touched my life and if I can pay forward what she taught me to a few more it would be a beautiful honor to her today. I was with her almost every day of her life for the last 6 weeks. Not because I knew her forever or she was my neighbor. She worked at my daughter's school and there was a call and need for help with her. I had known of her for years, my daughter loved her and her family needed help. I was a stay at home mom with kids at school and had time to offer. Those 6 weeks of close friendship I can't describe to you really. In a situation like this one day is like a year. We talked, held hands, laughed.. cried, prayed. She taught me to see the beauty in the simplest things. I was still stuck after my seizure and had not found my way out. She helped me to start seeing the light. One morning she had a request she wanted to feel the sun. So even though it was cooler out we bundled her and brought her in front of a window. She said please just bring me outside. Which we did even though technically we weren't suppose to. You could see every care she had wash away when she could feel the sun, smell the air and be outside for those few minutes. Something we do all the time and don't think twice about. She showed me selfless love. Her #1 concern at all times were her children. How they were doing. When were they coming? Were their days as normal as possible. She taught me undying faith. When at the time in my faith I myself would have been angry to leave my children so young. To have to deal with all of this pain. She NEVER was. She always remained faithful and strong in her love for God. I was at a point myself where I turned my back on my faith because after my diagnosis I felt abandoned. I just had too many emotions to see. She helped show me that even in the greatest trial I am not alone. She praised His name with every breath she had. There are so many things she taught me these are just a few but one that reminds me of her almost daily is this. When things get tough you keep on going. You never give up. On her board in her hospital room were these 3 simple words from her favorite movie...
Just Keep Swimming
Appreciate every moment, hug and love your family, enjoy every laugh and conversation, experience life's moments don't just blindly live, have faith even in the darkest of times and NEVER lose hope or give up. Never be afraid to lend a helping hand. My life would never have been the same if I would have ignored this request.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Pretty morning sunrise run. Actually a much needed sunrise #om I woke up stressed
out because my children are getting older and the Holidays potentially
will not look like this next year. So in my mind I started orchestrating
scenarios of what we will do, how it will look, how we can keep things
"Moran Clan" because I need my babies with me on the Holidays. Ok it's
now 5:30am I'm filled with anxiety over things and what I am
doing is not orchestrating but "controlling". You think I would have
learned 9.5 years ago when the life was almost knocked out of me that I
am never in control. I battled that for a long time and it was
horrible. The one thing I learned from that is even though I am not in
control is I always have a choice. I made a choice about that when I
decided to make the rest of my life the best of my life. I made a choice
when I decided to get healthy. I also make a choice each morning when I
open my eyes and thank God for giving me another day. So now I simply
need to remember I have another choice. To be present. To choose joy and
peace in my heart and let what will be , be. Because He has just made
my children more magnificent with every year. I have always told my
friends scared when their kids are going into College it just keeps
getting better because it has. I know that wherever the road leads it
will be ok and we will be together. So if I have to remind myself 100
times I will to just breathe and enjoy now.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
I am grateful for these two but twice a year I am over the moon grateful.
That is on my Life Day 6-16 I just had #9 seizure free. Then on my
Birthday. Today is my 43rd. How could I ask for anything in the world
when God has already given me the best gifts in the world. My children.
Also the opportunity not to leave this world when they were 6 and 12 but
to be here and as healthy as I can be 9 years later. They are my why.
Why I lost the 110, why I try daily. Best thing we have raised two amazing humans that would make any parent proud. Many want stacks of presents I will just be glad with the opportunity to be "present" in their lives. Don't ever take that for granted. Your life is a gift.
Why I lost the 110, why I try daily. Best thing we have raised two amazing humans that would make any parent proud. Many want stacks of presents I will just be glad with the opportunity to be "present" in their lives. Don't ever take that for granted. Your life is a gift.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Stop Smoking
I don't need to tell you about the chemicals you are inhaling. I don't
need to tell you about the damage you are doing to your heart and lungs.
I don't need to tell you that you are actually hurting your loved ones
with the effects of second and third hand smoke. Why? You already know
it. Most smokers I know and who have had issues with my posts through my
personal page and Girls Gone Healthy have said they find these facts
fuel to keep them going. Like someone is challenging
them to keep going. When actually all someone is trying to do is love
and encourage you to health. I could have been the same way with my weight 110 lbs
ago. I could have held on to the weight to show the world, to spite
them. I decided though to be the healthiest and best version of me I
needed to change my life. Showing the world that you can live unhealthy
and be "ok" is not as amazing as showing the world what you can
overcome and they can too
💗 Be brighter put down the lighter. #changeyourlife #beanexample #notobaccoday

Tuesday, May 30, 2017
She's Back!
After my health set back I started stepping back into fitness last week.
Today is the first day I feel like me today. Have you ever just wanted
to shout from a mountain because you feel so good? That would be today!
Is it because everything is 100%? Nope. Is it because the anxiety to it
all is gone? Nope. My health will never be perfect. I need to gain a little weight ( that is a new one ) I need to regain muscle. I need to get back to fully running after having to take a little time off. I am always going to
have trials. For goodness sake I have a broken brain. I live on
seizures meds twice daily to assure that I will never have
another. You know what though. I will always have anxiety attached to
all of that. I can live in that fact. Wallow in it. Or I can SING! Sing
in all I have overcome. I am seizure free almost 9 years! I conquered
paralyzing fears attached to my diagnosis. I lost 110 lbs 5 years ago
and have maintained it! Instead of taking High blood Pressure Meds I
became a runner in a year and have better then perfect Blood Pressure.
The girl that was hurt by family and just placed boundaries and walked
away truly forgave everyone and lives in peace. I also have given up
negativity and live purely in hope, faith and love. So even though there
is plenty that is NOT perfect there is SO much that IS!! So I SING
Also I get back into fitness little by little, step by step. To me it is so exciting to have a fun place to start again!
Here is my plan! 1. I have picked a squat and pushup challenge that I'm starting on JUNE 1. 2. hitting the road slowly again with my Polar. 5 times a week. 3.Posting what I'm grateful for daily - Now you can join me. Nope I'm not a Coach or with a fitness company. There is no cost or strings. Just a group of girls in a private group getting healthy for JUNE!

Here is my plan! 1. I have picked a squat and pushup challenge that I'm starting on JUNE 1. 2. hitting the road slowly again with my Polar. 5 times a week. 3.Posting what I'm grateful for daily - Now you can join me. Nope I'm not a Coach or with a fitness company. There is no cost or strings. Just a group of girls in a private group getting healthy for JUNE!
Saturday, May 27, 2017
The Art of Healing
knew that healing could take so long. I just noticed I have not blogged
in almost a year. Someone told me it would happen soon because I was
ready. I really didn't know what that meant until I went through
Mother's Day weekend. A weekend I typically dread. Not because I'm not a
good Mom. Not because I don't have wonderful children but because what I
see from everyone else. What I feel I miss out
on in life. A good relationship with a loving Mom. In the past I have
felt I have healed from this but when moments like this come up and it
still stings you know you haven't. This Mother's Day I did not think of
her or our relationship once. I enjoyed my family and the day. Social
media did not bother me. It was calm it was peaceful. A few days later I
reflected on this. I have had my safe boundaries set for years. I do
not want her in my life. Those words usually came with anger. Now they
come with calm. I forgive her for what she has done for... Me, not her. I
can actually look at my life and see things that happened were not a
reflection of me. They were a reflection of her. They have to deal with
her past. Her not being able to overcome what had happened to her. I
have sadness that she was unable to do that so she could create a better
life for her and all her children. I forgive her and release that. If
she has issues they are hers. Not mine. I have learned to live and love
with hope and peace. To change the direction for my family for one that
had so many addictions, secrets and lies to one centered around truth,
love and faith. Not a show, not for pictures. All for real. We are not
perfect but we love one another fiercly. I have done what most people
can not do I have ended the trend. I can 100% say I forgive her for what
she has done. My heart and soul is healed. As with all things in my
life they have just made me stronger, more understanding and more
compassionate to others. So in the end I thank her.
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