Friday, March 1, 2013

Clean Eating Guide

I can't say enough about Clean Eating and how it has changed my life. It not only helped knock 104 lbs off my body but it has given me such amazing energy and stamina as well. I know it seems overwhelming at first but once you give it a week or two and really let all the steps and concepts sink in it will become second nature - you will never want to go back. The important thing to remember is Clean Eating is NOT a diet. Clean Eating is a lifestyle change. As with any change you make you have to stick with it or the results will not last.

When I started I did lots of research with books and other online sources. I researched as much as possible - Knowledge is Power! The power that helps me to say "No" and actually not want the things I ate before. Once I got the chemicals and preservatives out of my system the weight came off and I feel amazing! The easy way to accomplish clean eating is to shop the outside of the store. Veggies, fruits, meats, fish, plain Geek yogurt, nuts, teas. Avoid the center of the stores as that is where the packaged and processed food are. Here are my steps.

1. Drop all processed foods.

2. Drop all the White Stuff  AKA - the bad guys. Flour, sugar, rice and pasta.

3. Eat every 3-4 hours portioned controlled meals/ snacks. This will keep your body sugar regulated and keep you from overeating.

4. Eat more whole foods - veggies and fruits. Fresh preferably if not frozen is always better than canned.

5. Drop Soda ( Diet Soda too) and alcohol. Drink lots of water. I love green teas either warm or cold. If you want it a little sweeter use a packet of Stevia. If you want juice - juice your own. This way it is free of additional sugars and preservatives.

6. Avoid Fast Food. Never let travel make it an excuse. Always be prepared with snacks or better ideas of places to go. Restaurants are always helpful and I have never had issues eating out.

7. Balance Proteins with complex carbs. Always grill, steam or broil your meat and fish. Never FRY!

8. Always eat Breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day and typically my largest. I work down in meal size from there. I follow the "King, Prince, Pauper" philosophy for breakfast lunch and dinner.

With these rules I have never had to count calories, points, ect. I am just aware of what my body is eating. As now I am fueling my body not feeding it. Not counting may not work for some but most Clean Eaters are the same on this concept. If I go up or down too much I just adjust what I eat. Honestly, I have never gone up.

This all may seem to be a little overwhelming all at once but you can begin slow. Pick a couple a week and build on to it. When I started I stopped sugars and sodas first. I felt so amazing after - I never stopped. The important thing to know is this is what worked for me. This doesn't necessarily mean it will be something you will like or conditions you will find liveable. The important thing is to find something that works for you and stick with it for life. Make it a lifestyle and you will be successful.