Sunday, February 17, 2013

Finding Myself

What you need to remember when somebody has told you that "you have changed" is not to take it personally as an insult - even though it may be intended as one. What has happened is you have changed to them from what makes them comfortable. You are making them think about what is right and what needs fixed in their life. People are drawn to people that are like them to make them comfortable. When you grow as a person it will make them uncomfortable. They might tell you you have changed, you need to eat more, stop working out so much, dress different, ect. Look what is behind their words - they are just trying to persuade you to be the old you and make you more like them again. The good thing in finding yourself is you will also discover who your true friends are. The ones who cheer your every success, every pound and every dropped size. They love you now and 100lbs ago. That is such a blessing. Also you are opening your world up to a world of like minded and healthy new friends.

This picture above has been the banner on my  Facebook wall for a few months. "I didn't change, I just found myself" is me completely. Yes, I have lost over a 100 lbs, changed the way I eat, how I look at food and now I run. I have not changed though. This has been a year of discovery. I have found me .. the girl I was when I was 16. When I thought anything was possible and I had no limitations. I have dropped everything negative from my life. My life is full of love and laughter. I hope every single one of you have a year of discovery. Find who you are and know you can do anything! Then when somebody says "You've changed" - you can tell them you have found yourself too.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Motivation

I have had lots of questions on my motivation. I am going to bare a little bit here and share a little deeper on why I am so motivated. As you know from my "About" section. I had a gran mal seizure 4 and a half years ago while volunteering at our local Soup Kitchen. Twenty minutes before I had the seizure -which wiped me unconscious for over 90 minutes- I was driving with my children on Highway 35. I feel everything happens for a reason in life. We were safe in the Soup Kitchen. My husbands friends wife was there. She took care of my children and contacted my husband through her husband as the ambulance was driving me to the Emergency Room. Everything lined up and we were so greatly provided for at the weakest moment in my life. Even though all of these things happened I had so much anxiety and negativity because this happened to me - my body failed me. It took almost a year to wake up from the self pity and look at what really had happened. God gave me a second chance at my life. This accident could have happened on 35 - we could have all died. I was fortunate to have the right people with us to help and to have this happen in safe place where I couldn't endanger my life or others. Also I woke up. I am alive- so many people are not so lucky after having a gran mal seizure. I now look at every single day as a blessing. I want to create a ME that my family and I can be proud of. I want to honor my second chance by being the best I can be. So yep- I still think it all sucks but even in that it is a blessing. I am a better person for it mentally, physically and spiritually. I now know life is a gift. That is the biggest motivation I could ever have.