Monday, February 10, 2020

National Epilepsy Day

National Epilepsy Day is today. Most of us who have a seizure condition will not tell you. Why do you think that is? Because we are ashamed. We are scared that you will think less of us. Well I don't. I have told you lots about my life the last 12 years and it has not always been pretty. If you think less of me for the way God made me. I don't mind because one thing this condition has given me is strength. I am not considered an epileptic because that handful of medications I take every single day. It keeps my brainwaves even. You have to have 2 or more seizures to have epilepsy at this point with one - I have irregular brainwaves. With every good though there is bad. This medicine has given me many side effects. Many I have dealt with over the years and many I am just starting on another journey with. So if I teach you nothing else. I will teach you compassion for those with this or ANY invisible illnesses. Even though I look ok if I have another seizure there is a high risk I could pass from it as any seizure patient can. I will teach you what to do if you see someone having a seizure. Most people have NO clue. Over a lifetime 1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with the disease. Yeah. ➡️1 in 26 ⬅️This is why I'm so passionate about being healthy and living a clean and toxin free life. Everything I do to be healthy lowers my risk. I know I down a handful of pills a day to live but I will do my best to make sure the rest of my environment is as safe as possible. Some people say, Why try with all that is in the air and all around? Everything you do causes something. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I say, why not! I will reduce my risk to as many chemicals and toxins as I can. This isn't just about me. It is about my family too. Making choices for them now can set them up for a better future.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Are You Ready For Some....Kindness??

I had joked on my IG that I was going to need protection when I went to the store this morning and I should bring my husband because of my shirt. Little did I know how true this was! First, we are not bandwagon 49er fans. This has been on my keys 10 years. My husband will watch win or lose and has his entire life. We are Northern Californians. I am proud of that. I will always be a Californian no matter how long I have lived out of the state. This shirt is not a political statement. It is not one state vs another. It does not mean I am a certain political party. It does not mean I am here to destroy "your state". No, I'm not a "comifornian" either. YES, all things I heard this morning.
Y'all need to get a grip. This is terrible.
So, how about we remember this is fun for a game. How about love for your fellow American no matter where they are from or what they like. We are "ONE nation" still, right?? Be proud of where you live without being intimidated or attacking another. Also how about kindness in your actions and words? If you need help in finding that I put up a calendar for "Friendly February"
Remember the person in the store. The person you see online. They are not your enemy. The thoughts in your mind about them are. Change your thoughts and make the world better

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Running with a Pride not a Tribe

Yes, I am in one of those businesses but I am not one of those girls. I don't show up at events dressed like I'm 20 years younger with matchy shoes and bags with my tribe. I don't act like a drunk teen who doesn't have true time for people "below" me. I don't take the accomplishments of people who have worked so hard without me and act as if I waved my wand over it and did it when I had barely a thing to do with it. This is what I don't like about my business. It is why I don't go. I was in High School. It wasn't my thing. If it is or was yours and you love and need this in your life. More power to you. What I need is to help others and I get to define that. I had a day where I almost died in my 30's. I fell to the ground in front of my children while we were volunteering at a soup kitchen. I do not remember two hours of my life. There was a flash in an ambulance and all I knew was they were driving me fast away from my babies and there was nobody there for them. I woke up in an ER where I was given a misdiagnosis. Later to find I had a gran mal seizure. I have a seizure condition and am treated 2x a day for the rest of my life. This put me in a tailspin of PTSD and a massive weight gain. After years this way I figured my life was a gift not a death sentence. I found happiness. Lost over 100 lbs in a year. Then I started to help others do the same. This is my why. My company helps me to help others do the same. Find help health and happiness. To live toxin free. It is my honor to help those families. That is my focus. That is the girl I am. I am the black sheep. I am the girl who does it her way. I help others before myself. My focus is you and making an impact on your health not an impact on how I appear. I know my life is a gift and I want to make sure you all have the power to live your life to it's fullest.

So in all this I feel I travel with a Pride like the Lion.  That is how I define my business - A pride of lions. Pride is the state of holding one's self or another in high esteem. As we all do within my business.