Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shakeology - My Review and Compare

I am a clean eater and lost 105 lbs in a year doing so. I would never recommend something that would not improve your life. This product has in one month helped drop my max heart rate ( along with T25) while running 10 - helped me lose inches off my maintaining weight, given me tons of energy, actually made my hair texture change and have NEW growth. Since many of you don't know me yet - this is huge. I had a gran mal seizure 5 years ago. Up until a month ago my hair fell out in clumps daily when I washed it. I had to cut off over 6 inches too because my ends were dead due to the trauma I went through with my seizure and PTSD. My finger nails are now growing and like rocks. I am healing from the inside out. Another great benefit I actually sleep now without the help of melatonin. I can rest a full night - this never happened before. Also my husband has just been taking this for one month - he has made no other change and has lost 10 lbs. Am I talking about crazy pills, "vodoo", or quick fixes. No. I'm talking about Shakeology. A daily sense dose of amazing nutrition. This isn't a quick fix - it is a long term change that will change your life. 

What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a meal replacement drink. It helps your body absorb all the essential nutrients it needs, as well as eliminate toxins. It contains more than 70 natural ingredients derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food  and super food sources from around the world. Shakeology is so incredibly healthy, 100% clean eating and soy free. What is a "Super Food"? They are the most nutrient dense foods on our planet. Superfoods go beyond meeting basic nutritional needs- they have high concentrations of multiple nutrients, such as antioxidants, phytonutrients, or adaptogens, that work together to support the immune system and help fight aging.  Shakeology truly is NUTRITION SIMPLIFIED.

How Do You Use Shakeology?

You are advised to replace one meal per day with Shakeology. This is a replacement not an addition to your diet. With that being said the cost of the Shakeology is offset by what you would have already been buying or cooking for that meal. After a month on Shakeology our food bill has not been impacted negatively at all and we buy more than one bag a month. There has actually been a savings as my husband is not buying Fast Food  - yes, I know Rome wasn't built in a day! - for breakfast. He is drinking Shakeology instead. As I said earlier with this one change alone he has lost 10lbs in one month. The drinks are filling and enjoyable with many different recipes/options to make them. They fill a 32 ounce glass and keep you filled and satisfied for hours. Even my Husband! Here are some additional benefits you will find with Shakeology.

  • Curb cravings for sugar and junk food
  • Promote weight loss
  • Increase energy levels without soda and coffee
  • Improve digestion and regularity
  • Support your immune system
  • Support cardiovascular health
Also see attached chart for "What Is In Shakeology and How It Works" 

Now how does Shakeology Compare with some of you favorites?

Shakeology VS EAS 100% Whey Protein

I will start here as this was a staple in my home for a long time many years ago. What I found on researching it was a little upsetting.  There are no vitamins or minerals, nor any antioxidants. It is all just protein. Also when I was using this back in 2010 Consumer Reports came out with a report that showed trace amounts of heavy metals were in their drinks. They tested for two heavy metals in higher amounts than the USP limit of exposure per day. These heavy metals can cause long term damage to your body over time.  Here is a link to the report -

Shakeology Vs Body Bi Vi

Two of the main problems with Body By Vi is 1. It is sweetened with Sucralose. 

Side Effects from Sucralose:
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Seizures, dizziness and migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood sugar increases and weight gain
2. Soy, sounds innocent enough right? It's not.

common health problems linked to a high-soy diet include:
  • Thyroid problems, including weight gain, lethargy, malaise, fatigue, hair loss, and loss of libido
  • Premature puberty and other developmental problems in babies, children and adolescents
  • Cancer
  • Brain Damage
  • Reproductive problems
  • Kidney Stones
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Severe allergies
I don't care how much a drink is to taste like "cake" - I will go with amazing AND healthy instead!

Shakeology Vs Muscle Milk

 One scoop of Muscle Milk contains less calories than Shakeology, one scoop of Shakeology contains less fat and cholesterol.  Shakeology also contains more fiber and protein than Muscle Milk.   Muscle Milk contains processed and artificial ingredients.  The nutrition facts note that this is a combination of Whey Isolate and Whey Concentrate. That reduces the price, but you get what you pay for. Also in a Consumer Report test  Muscle Milk Chocolate powder contained four heavy metals and levels of three metals in the product were among the highest of all in tests.

 Shakeology Vs Myoplex

 Myoplex contains artificial flavors and its main sweetener is sucralose. ( see above for list of negatives that come from this sweetener) It's protein comes from a variety of sources which may not be as absorbable as the 100% whey protein isolate in Shakeology. A common complaint about Myoplex, other than the bad taste, - is it doesn’t fill a person up.A meal replacement should do just that. Replace a meal not leave you starving.

All of these drinks do have one thing in common -  a source of Protein. After that Shakeology pulls away from the pack. It leaves Soy, Sucralose, Artificial Colors/ Ingredients, Possible side effects  and illness in the dust. It leads with Pure, healthy nutrition. Remember to research what you put into your body. That is where my major changes in health came from. Knowledge is power.  Shakeology is healthiest meal of the day.  If you want to change your life and your health from the inside out - Switch or try Shakeology.

For more information or to purchase - visit