Tuesday, June 3, 2014

As I was driving down a beautiful country road with my windows down enjoying the beautiful morning and a jerk flew by me and gave me the bird with anger.. again for going 5 over the speed limit I couldn't help but reflect on life. How do you view life? Are you in a hurry to get nowhere randomly carrying anger to strangers or do you enjoy life? I thought of the women at the water park there with their sweet kids complaining that they couldn't wait to wear them out so they would nap. As they grumpily trudged into the water just to fulfill a duty. We are now the generation of "Throwback Thursday" pics why don't we focus on the real thing - the moment. The here and now. Yeah, those kids might be driving you nuts. We have all been there. I can tell you and any other Mom who has one in College or above those kids are going to be gone in a heartbeat. ENJOY IT. Yes, the person in front of you in the car going right above the speed limit enjoying the beautiful day might seem annoying. If you want to pass her - pass her but do you have to flip her off for 3 minutes? Really that tells so much about your life and I'm sorry it's filled with so much anger. I can tell you though when we hit the same sign in 5 minutes or I pass you when you are pulled over by Cop - was it worth it? Anger is so silly. Why do you need to carry it and spread it around? If you are spreading it to the person on the road. Are you spreading it to the person you work with, live with? Also if we met face to face would you have the nerve to act the same? Before I changed my life I carried anger with me. I was so sad. Life is so short. Trust me. Almost 6 years ago my life was almost taken from me. I was given a second chance to make better decisions. To live happier, to treat others better. I know every morning when I wake I am lucky. If you have nothing nice to say don't. This world is filled with enough negativity. Life is short. Help other - don't use others. Enjoy your kids even when you want to pull your hair out. Laugh at the chaos. Roll down your windows and enjoy a beautiful country road.

Life is short in 10 minutes, 10 days or 10 years will the things that are bugging you even matter?

Why do you let it now?

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