Monday, February 1, 2016

Letting Go

Personal confession. I have been dealing with something since the middle of the night a few days ago when I got a phone call at 3am. It doesn't involve my husband or children but it is family. This situation has been weighing on my heart and soul for a few days. Even though I say "everything is ok" - my heart is telling me it is not. I am very connected to those I love and who are around me. Even more so since my GMS. I'm very in-tune to what is going on even when I'm not with them. It has always been that way since I was a child but after my seizure it was multiplied 100%. I know something is going to happen before it happens. I just have a knowing this is a year of change for this person I love and it's not going to be a good one, hopefully that changes. I need to find peace so this doesn't hang over me and change who I am. So I have to focus on what I can. Making sure no matter what this person knows I love them. Which I know they do because they tell me anytime we speak. They also tell me I am the only person who has never given up on them. Which I never ever will do. I am actually the only person who takes the time to take classes weekly to learn how to deal with them, their addiction and myself. At first it made them mad but after it has brought us closer because they know they are that important to me and 2. they also know there is no bull between us. Just honesty. Addiction can be a roller coaster. You can think you are off the ride but then it starts up all over again. I pray it just stops and they find health and happiness. What I can do now after this is let go and let God, again. 

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

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