Friday, May 1, 2015

Forget The Joneses

Since I started running 3 years ago I have never stopped but I have gone through cycles. I have done more, I have done less. It has to do with seasons, summer vacation and last Fall my health. Last Fall I had a med adjustment and had to take a little time off. Right after I focused more on indoor workouts completely instead of a balance of the two which is what I prefer since I love both so much. Now for the last few weeks my buddy and I have been working hard at getting our pace back. Sometimes though I think... Remember when I could just run and run! Or look at that man he is a machine! We are faster than some. Slower than others but you know what? This is not a race! I have nobody to be better than then me yesterday. With that in mind at the end of every run we are excited about how much better we are daily. How our breathing has improved, our distance and pace is better. We feel great for the day ahead and look forward to the next run. Comparison is the thief of joy. So stop! Enjoy your challenge. Run your race and don't worry about anybody else.

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