Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Highlight Reel

So much of our joy is taken away by comparing to other people. What you SEE is not always the full story. In weight loss you may see how fast others have lost, how easy it appears. You maybe missing what put them in the situation to need to lose in the first place. Was there abuse, illness, addiction? You aren't seeing what they needed to overcome to be successful in weight loss. Also, there is no right way to lose. The speed of weight and inches will all vary upon how much the person needs to lose - no two loses will ever be the same. Never compare your weight loss to another. Our bodies are all different. 

In business you may see how successful someone is, how they live the life of luxury or how things magically happen for them. With their business you may not be seeing the hours behind the scene. The days and nights of self doubt they have had before their business began to build. You maybe aren't seeing the years of struggle that gave them that personal reason "why" to be successful. Most business success does not happen overnight. It takes, time, effort, work and if you are lucky passion for what you do.

The things that seem so effortless really aren't they are just routine and well earned. In how someone appears to have a Norman Rockwell life. You may not be seeing the moments that every family has. The moments their child is anything but perfect. Or what in their life created a great parent in them? Did they have an absent parent? Did they not know their parent? Did they promise they would be everything to their child that they didn't have growing up?

Regardless of what you may be comparing yourself to in others know you are comparing your life to someones highlight reel NOT REAL life so - STOP!! Comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy your own journey - don't worry about anybody else. Run your own race.

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