Sunday, February 22, 2015

You Are Never TOO Old

How may times have you given up on yourself because you feel you are too old? Yes, I know 30's is not "old" It is though when we start putting ourselves last. Work, family, so many other things come before us. Then we start with the excuses..Here were some of mine.. I'm too old. I don't have time after I'm done with XYZ. My meds from seizure will never let me lose. What is the point will I even be alive tomorrow?  My husband loves me, why change? Food tastes too good - why diet?

So what have I discovered.. I am a much better mother, wife and friend when I put myself first just a little bit each day. I do have time but it's all about what is important to me. Is this a priority? If it is I will make it happen. DIEts is not a word in my vocabulary. I have ate clean for 3 years. It tastes amazing and I LOVE IT!! My seizure meds can slow me down a bit but I just have to watch that and work with my Neurologist if it were to happen. I also have to make sure not to let my medical condition define or stop me - I am the only person who will ever define me... I am alive and for every tomorrow I will enjoy EVERY second of it as HEALTHY as I can. Yes, my husband loves me. Honestly I don't even think he notices the change all that much until he sees before and after pics. The important part is I have to love ME enough to make myself healthy for ME. Period. Lastly, I am not old - but my excuses were!! If I can do this so can you!

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